
Learn how to find or create an Event

On this page:

Find an event

To find an event near you:

  • Select 'Events' (📅) from the left-hand navigation.
  • To filter by location, select your region by clicking the 'All of NZ' dropdown.
  • You'll be able to view events, their attendees, and RSVP ??? if you meet the attendee criteria.
  • Only Gold members can comment on an event.

Create an event

  • Gold members can create events.
  • Events can't be for-profit or commercial gain.

  1. Select 'Events' (📅) from the left-hand navigation.
  2. Select 'Add your own event'.
  3. Add a title, location and description.
  4. Select your welcome attendees – choose gender, age and membership type.
  5. Once you've agreed to the Terms, select 'Add my event'.

Any member fitting the event criteria can view an event and the list of attendees, RSVP. Only Gold members can comment on an event.

View, edit or cancel an event

  1. Select 'Events' (📅) from the left-hand navigation.
  2. Select the 'My events' tab, then select your event.
  3. Choose whether you want to edit or cancel your event, or close registrations.

Note: attendee criteria can't be edited.

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